Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 21 (1988)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side A).tzx
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22 Normal price: 22 DISCOUNT PRICE 13 Supplier: 9 SUPPLIER: 8 J A LOCKERBY 44 HYDE PLACE ALESHAM CANTERBURY KENT CT3 3AL 7 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's. PAYABLE TO J A LOCKERBY" 4 CASSETTE 3 TROLLDISC 3 TARTAN SOFTWARE (SA) 61 BAILIE NORRIE CRESC MONTROSE ANGUS DD10 9DT 3 "TROLLDISC" 3 1988 S.A.E.C. 3 3 2 THE CALLING 2 See Tape 17 for review details. 2 SEE TAPE 20 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 SEE TAPE 19 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 SEE TAPE 18 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 SEE TAPE 11 FOR REVIEW DETAILS 2 REALM OF DARKNESS 2 MATAND SOFTWARE 29 MOORLAND ROAD MICKLEOVER DERBY DE3 5FX 2 FUDDO & SLAM 2 CASTLE THADE 2 ANDREW LOWE 22 PEAKDALE AVENUE GOLDENHILL STOKE-ON-TRENT STAFFS ST6 5QP 2 ;"Press ""R"" to read again" 2 ;"PRESS A KEY": 2 ;"IS LOADING": 2 ''"STAR RATING 2 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's. PAYABLE TO A LOWE" 2 1 will find something else up another tree, too, but more of that later. Now you have a source of lightyou can go NE in the sea cave where the net was. This was darkbefore, wasn't it? EXAM the skeleton then CUT STRAP to get akey. 1 wear the boots. Leaving the hut, go east through a dark forest, then NE, still travelling in the forest, where the air is still and thereis no sound, so LISTEN, then SHOUT to disturb a poacher. 1 through the opening and fire thestun gun at the soldier. Push the mesh and crawl north into the laboratory. 1 the spear stops him attacking. Get tooth and tiger leaves. 1 that this game is a doddle, if so you will be wrong. As you would expect, there arethe mandatory dragons, dwarves and elves in this game not to mention the two Trolls in The Laughing Bear, but there are 1 tell you about the knife! It is stuck in a tree branch north of where you found the spade. You 1 sufficient to set it off. 1 sphere into the satchel. Crawl back into the shaft. 1 some modern aspects to the game as well, such as paying a visit to Crush Towers. 1 on the horizon, which may be flotsam. If you don't do this, the tea chest will not be there,and the chest is necessary to really start the game. 1 makes the odd appearance, and the vocabulary can be a bit of a nuisance as you try to talk to some of the characters. But minor points aside, this is a good game and the Balrog's fans will love it. And if you're not a fan then buy it and become one. 1 like an elephants face. There isa tusk missing... well you don'tneed telling what to do now, do you? 1 in the hope of finding some meaty problems (in the vain hopethat the adventure surely had some redeeming features). Unfortunately I couldn't get into this game and it was with some relief that I entered QUIT to end my misery. 1 gone. If this happens, you may as well start again! The only safe place to drop things is the tea chest or the dispatch room, and you haven't found them yet, so the strategy of the game is to figure out what you want immediately and only pick up those items. 1 gives admission to the secret room (north of the Treasury) where he puts the things you mayhave dropped, but as I didn't gothere until the end of the game,being careful not to drop any- thing I might want again, I didn't use it. However, this card may be a sophisticated way of playing the game quite differently! 1 for later use. You can get the tusks too. So, holding the spade, bottle,heat shield, tusk, and wearing the ring and net, climb the treeagain and GET QUEEN bee. RELEASEBEES by the bear then drop the bottle. Go back for the Staff 1 extra strength; the Elfstone, which clears murky waters in a pool; and the only object you can't use, which is an orb. 1 descriptions carefully! Items worn do not count, so ifyou search the reeds by the waterfall, on your way to gett- ing the spade, you can wear the ring you find, for later use. 1 criticism of the game. If there is to be interaction with characters it should be more realistic. 1 beach) and an empty bottle, which can be dug up when the sand is soft. There are plenty of clues in this game, but you have to read the location 1 bars. Throw everything out through the window but be care- ful as you will need to inject yourself by pressing the green button again very soon. 1 and JUMP the boulder. EXAM the flotsam then ENTER CHEST. You can't move that wretched boulderso you must always carry the STAFF. 1 `2.95+`1.95=`4.90 1 Z$=" " 1 You will need the petrol can, matches, candle, pick, cat food, opener, rucksack and the spear. 1 You will have noticed the beesin the tree - use these to get rid of the bear, but to capture them you need to wear a net (which you will find in a sea cave at the southern end of the 1 You soon find yourself in a large house which belongs to a nutty professor called Quinn whojust happens to need a female for one of his experiments. 1 You need the shovel, firefly and coat. You can returnto the clock at the start. 1 You need the firefly and rucksack and you can return to the clock at the start. 1 You can return to the clock at the start. Go north to the wood pile. Pour petrol on it then light match and petrol. 1 You can converse with these characters and you might find out something useful, but all too often your efforts produce no results, and this was my only 1 Yes folks, it's the latest game from the Quill of the Rochdale Balrog. What's it all about? Well, Bulbo lost all his gold after a spot of Boggling (a sport played by the Shyre folk). 1 Yes folks, Jenny has become a prisoner of the mad Quinn. And you will have to find her, if only because she knows the number of the car recovery service. 1 Wondering just what this game was all about I went into a cottage in the second location and was greeted by a Wizard. The Wizard asked me to stay and guard his spell book while he went off to find a goblin who had stolen a page from it. 1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden cage? 1 When fired upon in the desert-ed street go down the steps intoa flat. Examine the sink and take and wear the medikit you find. 1 Wear the uniform at the edge of no-mans land. Turn the dial on the detector to MINE and wearthe headset. 1 Wear the goggles, go east andtake a Rigelian uniform from thepile of uniforms on the porch, then go back to the robotank. 1 Wait outside the army vehicle until you hear the sound of troops coming from the north then go S,E,N,W,N,IN. Get rifle,examine seat, examine documents,get identicard, out. 1 WITCH HUNT/THE CUP 1 WINDMILL LANE 1 WILLYSOFT UK 1 WHAT ARE THE FOLLOWING ADVENTURES? 1 VISUAL DIMENSIONS 1 To pass through Suburbia you need to carry the stun gun. Keepgoing east until you find a screwdriver which you should putin your satchel. 1 Throw the club on the bridge, the caveman goes and the woman gives you a nugget. 1 Throw the bone to the little dog then lead the pack of dogs to the robotank where they will be dealt with. 1 This quest is different from most, in that you are not just searching for one object - the King has lost five of his treas-ures, and while you are search- ing for them, you can also find seven jewels and a bar of gold for yourself. 1 There is a lot of trekking backwards and forwards because of not being able to drop thingsanywhere else but in the chest, and some things are used more than once so a map is essential. 1 The solution to Competition 17 was 1 The route through the mine field is E,E,E,S,SE,E. 1 The king's treasures are a Staff of Levitation, which helpsyou to jump an immovable boulderand a ravine; the Sunstone, which lights dark places; a bracelet, which gives you some 1 The key is of no more use, so you can let the thief have that while you switch on the monitor and LOOK AT SCREEN. Before you leave, SEARCH the hut, find and 1 The graphics are almost a jokeand the text is completely devoid of atmosphere. 1 The game is a joy to play as John Wilson certainly knows how to handle The Quill. One or two criticisms though, sudden death 1 The first thing I liked about this game was it is possible to wander around quite a bit beforeneeding to solve a puzzle to progress. 1 The Realm is an adventure thatmay have been worth playing if the author got rid of the graphics and put some effort into producing decent text. As it stands, it may be suit- able for a beginner, but experienced adventurers should give this one a miss. 1 The Realm is a split screen graphic/text adventure written with The Quill and the first thing you notice about it is thesplit screen graphics and text. 1 The Hammer of Grimmold 1 The Calling is a 48K adventurebut there is an enhanced 128K version on the tape - a nice touch. 1 Take the bone from the desert and RETRACE STEPS to escape. 1 Take the bomb from the crater. 1 Take and wear the goggles. 1 Take a piece of rubble. 1 THE RETURN OF JOCK 1 THE LEGEND OF CRALDONS CREEK 1 THE LEGEND OF CRALDONS CREEK 1 THE JADE STONE 1 THE JADE STONE 1 THE HELM 1 THE HAMMER OF GRIMMOLD 1 THE GOLDEN APPLE 1 THE EXTRICATOR 1 THE DOOMSDAY PAPERS 1 THE BOGGIT 1 TEXT v 1 TEN LITTLE INDIANS 1 South of the BEE tree, you cangive the coin to a gypsy in exchange for an axe (NOTE: BUY AXE does not work!) then go eastto the dreaded Tangler tree, CHOP ROOTS and proceed SW,S and UP to a pair of doors shaped 1 So off I went to do a spot of exploring and after watching thesame tree being drawn for the umpteenth time I switched the pictures off, only to suffer from a severe lack of text whichmade me want to pull the plug. However I bravely struggled on 1 Shake the spray can and spray the lens of the android to get past. OR, if your name is Peter Walsh (Hi Peter!), hide behind achair and hope it will go away! 1 Send for a copy now. 1 See Tape 6 for review details. 1 See Tape 15 for review details. 1 See Tape 14 for review details. 1 See Tape 12 for review details. 1 Say Eureka to get into the alcove and say James Watt to getin or out of the cupboard. Get the wheel and jump back into theclock. 1 SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS 1 STAR RATING 1 SPYCATCHER 1 SOLUTIONS: REALM OF DARKNESS 1 SOLUTION TO LORDS OF TIME 1 SIX-IN-ONE 1 SIDE 2 DETAILS 1 SHIPWRECK/CASTLE EERIE 1 SECRET MISSION 1 SCARY MANSION 1 Remove the goggles, take the bomb north and carefully drop itoutside the hut. Retreat south and wait for the bomb to explode. 1 Remove and drop the uniform. 1 ROBIN OF SHERWOOD 1 RIGEL'S REVENGE 1 RELEASE him (you must be wear-ing the bracelet from the safe to do this) to be given the password to get into the game keeper's cottage, and a card. This card, stolen from the thief 1 Press the switch in the tank to open the cupboard. 1 PRIDE OF THE FEDERATION 1 PLEASE MENTION SPECTRUM ADVENTURER WHEN ORDERING TAPES. ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE P&P. 1 PEARL SOFTWARE 41 UWCH-Y-DRE CORWEN CLWYD LL21 0BP 1 One of the first obstacles youwill meet is a bear - friendly though he may be, he won't let you pass, so forget him for a while. The first thing to do is to go east and go up a tree, then LOOK SEA to spot a speck 1 ODDS + ENDS 1 Now you can start searching for the treasures - use the useful DROP ALL command, then pick up the staff, tusk and the coin to enable you to find the Sunstone. 1 Now remove your goggles, go east and throw the rubble at thesearch light. 1 Now go N,S,S to meet Japu andcomplete the game. 1 NOTTINGHAM 1 NOT BAD 1 NE of the statue is another annexe which was dark if you went there first, but you can now go north to find a black box. 1 N,F;"CREDITS ": 1 N,F;" DISCOUNT ADVENTURES": 1 Membership is free. send a S.A.E. for full details now. 1 Make sure you don't miss an issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these special prices. 1 MATCHMAKER 1 MARLIN GAMES 19 BRIAR CLOSE NAILSEA BRISTOL BS19 1QG 1 MAFIA CONTRACT I 1 Look under the bench to find aspray can. 1 Look under the bed and move ittwice. Take the shape and you will discover it to be an empty stun gun. 1 LOADER 1 Knowledge which was handed down by the Ancients, and faithfully recorded by the Wise Ones. This Knowledge deals with the pastime of 1 KNEEL to find an opening. IN here are some robes which you should wear. EXAMination of the statue will disclose pictures onthe floor. EXAM these for a clueas to what to do next, then go down to find the Sunstone. 1 Jump the gap on the aerial walkway. You might need to pressthe green button on the medikit before you jump so ramsave here. 1 JOHN WILSON 1 JEWELS OF BABYLON 1 JADE NECKLACE 1 J O'LEARY 8 CABLE HOUSE LLOYD STREET LONDON WC1 9QT 1 J BENTLEY 10 WHEATLANDS PARK REDCAR CLEVELAND TS10 2PD 1 Introduce the bomb to the soldiers. 1 Insert the stun gun into the apparatus that is in the shed. Pull the lever and remove the gun,it is now fully charged. 1 Insert the identicard into the slot on the gate. 1 In the house, examine the picture and take the hourglass, candle and matches. Wind the clock and enter it. Turn cog 1 and swing the pendulum. 1 In the Temple of Sunlight, go past the statue then NW to an annexe. EXAM this to see hassocks on the floor, then 1 If you would like to win a threeissue subscription to Spectrum Adventurer then take a look at the scrambled letters on the next page. All you have to do isunscramble them to reveal the titles of three adventures. 1 If you would like to receive anyof these maps simply send us a large S.A.E. stating which maps you want. 1 If you searched the grass where the carrot was growing, you will have found a magic bean. This makes you invisible long enough to get past the guard dog halfway down the hill and collect a heat shield, again 1 If you are carrying the rifle,you can follow the troops straight past the check point. 1 ISLE OF LEWIS 1 I was promised great rewards for doing this, but I never got them as the wizard never came back! 1 I am always eager to add to my volumes anything concerning adventures. If you have any mapsor solutions to any adventures please send them to me care of S.A. If I use them in the cavernyou will receive a 3 issue subscription to the magazine. 1 Here we are folks with yet another free competition. 1 HUGO LODGE 16 AZALEA CLOSE CARDIFF CF2 7HR 1 HOMICIDE HOTEL 1 HEAVY ON THE MAGICK 1 HAWK ADVENTURING 29 HOLLOWGATE BARNBURGH SOUTH YORKS DN5 7BH 1 HAMPSTEAD 1 Going home after having a meal in York your car breaks down on the Yorkshire Moors. Jenny, yourcompanion, sets out in the pour-ing rain to find help. When she hasn't returned after two hours (two hours!!) you begin to thinkthat all is not well and go and look for her. 1 Go west until you reach a pit and get the leaves and mirror - DO NOT examine the mirror. Wave leaves out of pit. 1 Go to the throne room, hit cube, the Snow Queen will give you a sword. Go through the pooland back to the clock. 1 Go to the hideout and open the chest. Pete appears and steals. Blow the horn, Vikings arrive and grab Pete. You get an olive branch. 1 Go to the freezing cave and shout and an icicle will fall. Drop the icicle in the lake of freezing water - it freezes over. 1 Go to the end of the garden and up and over the fence. Head north to where the stream is marrow. Tie planks and drop them. 1 Go north and get the pickand the planks. Now return to the clock. Go into the house andup the stairs. 1 Go east or west until dinosaurs advance then go the other way and the two kill each other. 1 Go E,N,N,N and you will encounter an amboid monster. Youneed to fire the flare to kill it. 1 Give glass to narcissus, get lodestone. Go to the willow and wave the valerian. Go to the shed and get the keys with the lodestone. There is an axe and shovel in the shed. 1 Getting to the chest entails abit of work. First you must finda spade under a low lying bush, then DIG where there are bumps in the ground to find a carrot. 1 Get the looking glass and the metronome from the living room. The metronome is a treasure. Thevalerian is outside. 1 Get the egg, pot, pebble and club. Throw the pebble at the skeleton in the trophy cave. There is a figurine in the vault. 1 Get the coat and tusk. Climb to get the bone; open and give tin.The sabretooth eats then winces, 1 GOOD 1 For yourself, you can gather adiamond, a sapphire, an opal, a ruby, an emerald, a pearl, an amethyst and a gold bar. 1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order. 1 Finished with an adventure? 1 FORGOTTEN CITY 1 Exploration reveals a cook andbutler who funnily enough are not at all surprised to see you in their master's house. 1 Examine the ivy on the wall and unscrew the grill with the screwdriver. You can now climb into the shaft. 1 Examine the dustbins to find acase. You only need the flare gun from this. 1 Examine the door in the hotel and remove the wire from the door handle. It is now safe to open the door but do not examinethe mine, your body heat is 1 Examine the cube and open thepanel. Put the light guide into the slot. Press dipswitches numbered 1,3 and 4 in that order. Press EXECUTE on the light guide. 1 Examine the car and get the petrol can. Go down in pit to the clock. 1 Examine the body of Elliot andtake his satchel. You can use this to carry stuff you have no immediate use for. 1 Examine rubbish, wear the ruck- sack - it enables you to carry around 14 objects as well as wearing several. 1 East again to a clearing with boulders - remember this location, because you will return later to collect a treasure - then north to a thicket, where you will find a poacher caught in his own trap. 1 EXCHANGE CLUB 1 EXCALIBUR SOFTWARE UNIT 209 TELSEN INDUSTRIAL CENTRE 55 THOMAS STREET ASTON BIRMINGHAM B6 6TN 1 Drop this by a hole in the ground and an obliging rabbit will pop up for it and leave youthe Staff of Levitation. 1 Don't pick it up yet. A fiend-ish device built into the game is that you can only carry five items, and if you drop anything to pick up something more usefulat the time, a thief takes it is 1 Don't let it gather dust on a shelf! 1 Don't blow the horn unless Pete is present. Push the stone and it rolls away. 1 Dig in the heart of the copse of trees to find a light guide. Press the memory on this. 1 Did you pick up the necklace at the top of the hill? It's OK to do this, because the string breaks and you will find a pearlat the bottom of the hill. Leaveit alone for now - you can collect it later. 1 DOME TROOPER 1 DEADLY MISSION 1 DAVY JONES LOCKER/ THE CHALLENGE 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Crawl as far north as possib-le then crawl west twice. Look 1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness? 1 Continue east-ish until you come to a hut, wherein you will find a locked safe. Take note, here, that the EXAM command doesnot always bring a useful resultbut LOOK IN/AT/UNDER will! 1 Climb into the sink and press the green button followed by thered button on the medikit. Now forcibly pull and twist the 1 CROWN OF RAMHOTEP/ PROSPECTOR 1 CONTRIBUTORS 1 COLDITZ 1 CODE 1 CLUB PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 1 CASTLE THADE REVISITED 1 CASTLE BLACKSTAR 1 C$="The rest of the solution to REALM OF DARKNESS is on Side 2." 1 C$="RIGEL'S REVENGE (PART 1) R BATEY" 1 C$="REALM OF DARKNESS BY J ROWE" 1 C$="Next month Richard will be looking at GNOME RANGER." 1 C$="More than 200 adventures listed here." 1 C$="Just what it says!" 1 C$="Hints on The Secret Of St Brides." 1 C$="Completes Realm Of Darkness." 1 C$="Another exciting Dr Goo adventure." 1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer Published by S.A.E.C. 4 Kilmartin Lane CARLUKE Lanarkshire SCOTLAND ML8 5RT": 1 C$=" Are you having problems with an adventure? HELPLINE is a free service which could save you from death, destruction, and much worse (if such a thing is possible)." 1 C$=" All you have to do is look at the list of adventures on Side 2 and write to the person who can help you with your problem. Please include a S.A.E. with your letter or an international reply coupon if you are writing from abroad." 1 Bulbo has dropped out of circul-ation so his nephew Fuddo and Slam set off to find him. The fact that Bulbo can be found just a few locations away from the start might make you think 1 Bolt the door and examine thesoldier to find a piece of paperwhich you should read. 1 Backnumbers and single issues cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue. 1 Back in the tea chest, DROP ALL again, including the robes and the ring, and get the Staff,Sunstone and the knife for your next journey. WHOOPS! I didn't 1 Back at the junction crawl down twice, push the mesh and crawl north into the power room.Open the trapdoor and go down. Wear the goggles to see in the dark. 1 BORED OF THE RINGS 1 As if that wasn't bad enough, he also lost Gullem's ring. Yes,I can hear your cries of shock and horror. 1 Apart from that I enjoyed playing this PAW'd game. The occasional graphics are O.K. and the use to which the variousobjects are put are not always obvious - just the thing to get the old grey cells working. 1 After a while a sphere will appear out of the cube. To take this you must not be carrying anything in your hands. Put the 1 AZTEC HUNT FOR THE SUN GOD 1 ANDY MACGREGOR 1 ALL PAYMENTS IN STERLING PLEASE 1 A FISTFUL OF BLOOD CAPSULES 1 ;"The Troll and Discount Adventures" 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 1 ;"SPECTRUM 1 ;"PRESS A KEY" 1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 21 1 ;"OVERSEAS ADD `1.00" 1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES" 1 ;"NUMBER 19 1 ;"MARCH 1988" 1 ;"EDITOR William Young": 1 ;"3 6 12" 1 ;" June Rowe": 1 59 NUNNERY LANE 1 36 WALTON AVENUE 1 26 SPOTLAND TOPS 1 18 VATISKER 1 .............. 1 ''''"This solution will be continued next month. A map of the game will be available." 1 ''''"STAR RATING 1 ''"RIGEL'S REVENGE (PART 2)" 1 ''"PLEASE MAKE CHEQUES/P.O's PAYABLE TO J A LOCKERBY" 1 '"subscription will begin at the end of the current one. The closing date for entries is the 8th APRIL 1988." 1 '"U.K. `5.00 `10.00 `18.00" 1 '"This is a two part game with some fairly crude pictures. The text isn't too bad but there aresome spelling mistakes here and there as well as in the leaflet that comes with the game." 1 '"The Dragonslayer Andy MacGregor": 1 '"Stolen property is in the chest.Enter chest, pull handle - back in clock." 1 '"So, what's this game like. Firstof all it was GAC'd so you can expect some sluggish responses to your commands, and there are times when there is NO response to your commands." 1 '"STAR RATING 1 '"Overseas `10.00 `18.00 `36.00" 1 '"Once you've done that send your answers to us at S.A.E.C. Shouldthe winner already have an existing subscription, the new" 1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our books than you will find in yourlocal computer store. 1 '"Hit the brontosaurus. Wave the mirror in the cave as the cave men approach, they are absorbed." 1 '"Go north and give coat to guard to get the fur. Go to the old" 1 '"Give bone - fox leaves (spear needed?). Hit the wall, you willneed the pick, get candelabra." 1 '"Get opener and rope. From the bedroom get jewel case. Go down-stairs and find a spear. There is a tin of cat food in the cup-" 1 '"Europe `7.50 `12.00 `24.00" 1 '"EXTRA: Turn cog 1 and return to the Tooth Fairy. Give tooth and say no to coin, but yes to coin and firefly. If the candle goes" 1 '"Chop the willow and get the diamond teardrop. Examine the" 1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure." 1 '"A spell has been cast on the village of Craldons Creek and your objective is to reach the creek and sort things out." 1 '"(A FISTFUL OF BLOOD CAPSULES AND SCARY MANSION - ONLY `6.00)" 1 '" The Troll Richard Batey": 1 '" Press ""T"" for The Troll" 1 '" Press ""Q"" to quit" 1 '" Press ""D"" for details of discount adventures" 1 '" Press ""Q"" to quit" 1 '" 1 "out when you're not carrying it,it seems as if a fresh candle appears. Once the candle is lit,that's it." 1 "compost heap (twice?). Eat the mushrooms to see the Tooth Fairy (you will need the tiger tooth later)." 1 "cave and dig to get a parchment." 1 "board in the kitchen." 1 "These are only some of the questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure." 1 " While I haven't finished this adventure, I will be having another bash at it. I just wish Mr Stewart had paid a bit more attention to the spelling and coding in the game." 1 " Should you manage to complete this adventure you could be in line for a cash prize of `15. There is also the possibility of receiving a free adventure." 1 " On the subject of problems, there doesn't seem to be too much to do early on in the game apart from finding a way throughan archway, although there is a stone that can't be picked up and a hut that so far has a doorthat refuses to open." 1 " It's not too bad a game and isworth buying, if only to win the cash prize or a free game." 1 " Be sure to read the opening screen carefully as you have to enter the letter Z to begin the game. Failure to do this could mean having to reset your compu-ter and reload!" 1 " -------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- 1 adventuring and each month I will open my chests with a solid gold key and share with you the Knowledge to be found in these tomes. 1 Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer Published by S.A.E.C. 4 Kilmartin Lane CARLUKE Lanarkshire SCOTLAND ML8 5RTY 1 TRAM HEEL": 1 THE JADE STONE 1 THE FINE RON": 1 THE CUP 1 SPYCATCHER 1 SPY TREK 1 SEABASE DELTA 1 S.A.E.C. 1987 1 Revisited": 1 ROBIN OF SHERLOCK 1 PRINCE OF TYNDAL 1 MARIE CELESTE 1 MADCAP MANOR 1 EXCHANGE 1 EL PRUDE": 1 DARGONSCRYPT 1 COMPETITION 1 1988 S.A.E.C." 1 -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------" 1 B THOMPSON 1 NEXT PROGRAM ON SIDE 1:- THE TROLL & DISCOUNT SOFTWARE 1 Z 1 Jd 1 Greetings, fellow adventurers. I am the Troll whose cavern is full of chests packed with leather bound volumes of pure knowledge. 1 Bp 1 1